Woven Within our Lives

This mural project is the first exterior project completed in 2024 and it serves as a tribute to the men, women, and children who worked in the textile factories/industry in Catawba County and North Carolina as a whole. The elements of the mural include people who worked in the factories as well local flora from the area, all woven within large, graphic images of printed textiles.

Dimensions: 91 x 33’, Acrylic and Spray Paint (MTN 94) on Brick

Client: Newton Public Art Commission

Year/Location: 2024 - Newton, North Carolina, USA

For more information on the background and history regarding the theme and imagery of this mural, please visit: https://www.newtonart.org/north-newton-mural


Nelson, British Columbia - We Howl


Hull, Gatineau, Quebec - CREDDO / City of Gatineau